JasonB Digital

Hello! Firstly, I truly appreciate your interest and the time you’ve taken to read this brief introduction about the things that drive me and the areas in which I have built extensive experience

JasonB Digital
Reading Time:3 mins
Dec 6, 2023
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My Story

I have been helping small to large companies improve and build upon their existing or in many cases, new WordPress environments to suit their needs. I don’t have a large client list and I truly don’t take on very many clients as it dilutes my work life balance and doesn’t really serve anyone involved when someone is overcommitted. The goal is not to make a lot of money. That has never served me well in terms of ‘happiness’ and so, I hope we can vibe on your project and watch your property grow to the next level.

My passions and strength lie in providing quality WordPress and E-Commerce service and experience to clients who are struggling or frustrated with their existing setup. This is not limited to WordPress – Shopify and LightSpeed have also been my specialty at one point or another. Whether you’re looking to solve the problem of plugin conflicts, limitations of your current plugin, ‘page builder’ or headless architecture configuration or even who you should use for outsourcing— I live and love to help.

I am always open to contract work but can also help those who want to bypass the high costs of using a one size fits all WordPress agency, or simply just looking for advice on how to choose the right developer for your project. Are you attracted to low cost and high quality and looking to hire a WordPress developer in India but not sure how to evaluate them? I can help as I have worked with many overseas contractors and can help you identify red flags before moving forward.

As a seasoned WordPress consultant and a passionate web developer I have seen the same mistakes again and again. A lot of it comes down to accountability. These are the special skills, contributions and expertise that set me apart from others.

Finding the right WordPress consultant is essential to meet your specific needs, ensure good communication, availability, transparent pricing, and relevant experience. See the difference that professional guidance can make.

Thank you for reading! Please continue for some more specific ideas on how I can help. Contact me here.



Hours Invested:


45k as a Digital Professional

10k Project Management

20k WordPress

10k Javascript

10k Design and Animation

5k Google Ads, Analytics, Keywords and SEO Content

5k Hospitality

1k Ski Instructor Hours

15M Vertical Feet Riding Snow

500+ Rounds of Golf

200+ JetBoarding


“You’ve probably heard of the 10,000 hour rule, which was popularized by Malcolm Gladwell’s blockbuster book “Outliers.” As Gladwell tells it, the rule goes like this: it takes 10,000 hours of intensive practice to achieve mastery of complex skills and materials, like playing the violin or getting as good as Bill Gates at computer programming.”


Jeffrey R. Young, May 2020

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Another WordPress Transformation by jasonb.digital


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